Saturday, November 09, 2013

Things out of your control

Many things will be out of your control.  You can fight it, or you can accept it.  If you fight, it will consume your good days, leaving you with little time left to do the things that mean the most to you.  Fighting takes energy away from visiting your favorite places or people.  It strips away your stamina for going out to eat or taking that last cruise or walking your daughter down the aisle.

Acceptance allows you the freedom to say, "No, I don't feel like going to the neighbors' BBQ.  I will do "x" instead." and no one can argue with you.  No one will tell you anything but "Okay, if that's what you want, we'll do it."  Acceptance gives you back control of your life and how you want to live it for the time you have left.

If you accept that you are terminal, that you have a limited amount of time left in this world, what would you most wish to do?  Who would you most wish to spend that time with?